People who have come along offer their personal reflections from our work together. It is hoped this will assist with informing your enquiry. They are listed in the order they have been kindly received…


“Working with Stuart has been life changing.

Suffering with anxiety for most of my childhood and all of my adult life, I was sceptical I could ever be free from it.

I longed for some peace in my life and had done a lot of “work” on myself over many years to try and achieve this.

Today I am free from unnecessary anxiety, I know peace, my creative work is fulfilling and inspiring and I have been able to face and process the trauma I experienced in childhood in a gentle and safe environment.

The wonderful life I live today is the result of the work I have done with Stuart.”

– Female


“I had read every book, watched every video, and had taken a boatload of ‘courses,’ all proclaiming to provide the fix for my problems. None of it worked, and as each new self help or ‘spiritual’ carrot was dangled before me, I grew more and more sceptical. I was lost and exhausted, and for the first time left without ‘something’ to provide a way out.

When I first visited Stuart, I expected yet more learning, analysis and pursuit of ‘wisdom.’ Thankfully, the work we have done has proved to be quite the opposite. The presence and simplicity that is brought to our work, has enabled me to see myself clearer, take responsibility and lead a far more peaceful existence.

Life is now simpler than I could ever have imagined – thank you to Stuart for providing the space, presence and attention I needed to see myself clearly.”

– Male


“I have worked with Stuart for 5 yrs and have only good things to say.  I arrived  to see him first struggling with the ups and downs of minor manic depression, having been in recovery from drugs and alcohol for five yrs.

Together with the 12 step programme and other methods of keeping sane that I use, we gently and sensitively approached some of the core issues I was struggling with.  After a year, we reached the conclusion that seeking medical help would be a sensible move.  This was complicated for me, having decided to live clean from mood altering substances, but Stuart simply encouraged me to arrive slowly at decisions in a sane and rational way, seeking the advice of the right people.  I am happy to say five years later I feel happier and more secure than I have ever been, I am married with my first child and second on the way, have created a loving home which I am proud of and my professional life is becoming more and more successful. And whilst the issues I arrived with have not left , they have been shrunk a manageable size, and now I see Stuart once a month, I continue to look forward to seeing him, probably more on a life coach level than deep psychoanalysis! but my time with him is invaluable.

And on a personal level I also like him very much, and I couldn’t recommend him more.”

– Male


“I first visited Stuart when I kept repeating unhealthy relationship patterns left over from childhood which were causing me a lot of pain. I didn’t really know which way to turn and certainly couldn’t overcome this on my own. Stuart helped me work through my old patterns and offered a healthier perspective.

We talked about some tactics to use when dating and this helped no end. I liked Stuart’s interactive approach, it felt like we were having a conversation rather than being left to do all the talking. Stuart’s therapy helped me so much that I soon entered a healthy relationship and we have now been happily married for 3 years and together for 6.

This is the longest relationship I have ever had. Stuart’s therapy was the absolute catalyst to helping me achieve this, I can’t recommend him highly enough.”

– Female


“Stuart has supported me in my recovery over the last five years. Stuart knows what he’s talking about and this has given me the confidence I’ve needed to progress in recovery.

I’ve been in and out of treatment centres, spent a lot of money, I’ve worked with therapists who are knowledgeable in the areas of alcoholism and drug addiction but not so knowledgeable in the area of sex addiction. Stuart Is knowledgeable in the area of sex addiction, he has trained under the guidance of Dr Patrick Carnes, the man who wrote the books on sex addiction.

I needed someone who was able to help me move from a place of hopelessness to a place of serenity. Thank you Stuart.”

– Male


“Our relationship was in crisis and we had just had our second child. The minute we walked into Stuarts office I felt relieved. I have seen many therapists, counsellors etc… but I can honestly say i have never grown as much as I have with Stuart. His understanding and fairness towards us both was outstanding, not once did either my partner or I feel like he was taking sides. He is a very special man, we are both eternally grateful that our children are growing up in a loving family unit. Had it not been for Stuart I believe the outcome would’ve been very different. We were in a heightened state of alarm, through hard work, willingness and commitment we managed to save our relationship in way i never even imagined. We cannot recommend Stuart highly enough.”

– Couple


“After years of searching to find answers to my repetitive addictive emotional turmoil’s. I was fortunate and blessed to find Stuart.

Stuart provided me a safe place for us to work together with mutual trust and optimism. He inspired lots of hope to gently untangle my past history, and get to understand and make sense of the trauma’s that I have been living with since my childhood. I experienced gainful pain but also a lot of laughter throughout the process.

I started a journey into a way of living and being, that I thought was impossible, free of the thinking and feelings, moving into living life in the now (mostly) and not in the past.

Stuart is professional and very skilled in his work, I would highly recommend him to anyone who wants to get unstuck from anything holding them back from having a more peaceful and meaningful life.”

– Female


“Stuart offers a very unique space in which to discuss challenging feelings and emotions. Through our conversations Stuart quickly but sensitively understood what i was bringing and skilfully guided my thoughts to root of the issues, in a totally non judgmental and fully engaged space.

He has guided me inwards through encouraging inquiry, rather than backwards or forwards or towards an external experience or method, helping me to see the mind as it is moment to moment, offering a glimpse of our true nature set against our egoistic self and the peace that can be found when we see the difference and let the conflict between the two dissolve.

It’s impossible to really define the output, and i don’t claim to be cured or enlightened (!) but i have far greater awareness of my own mind and confidence to confront personal issues rather than turn away.”

– Male


“Stuart is a hugely gifted therapist; a consummate professional in his field of work.

During the therapeutic process he guided me to process, explore and to deepen awareness of existing blockages and barriers which were frustrating emotional and spiritual growth.

He helped me to embrace healthier thoughts and behaviours which led to personal healing and a stronger sense of self acceptance.”

– Female


“Working with Stuart has been immensely rewarding.

He has been an invaluable guide to a process of enquiry and understanding, with his generously given intelligence and experience.

He is at once spiritual and practical in his approach and the fresh understandings and perspectives of our discussions have been a great benefit to me.”

– Male


“I was recommended to Stuart by a friend of mine, when I was going through a particularly painful time in relation to my father. Stuart helped me to clarify my boundaries, and make peace with myself and to choose a loving and healthy response to what was going on. Since then, every session I’ve had with Stuart has been hugely helpful on so many levels; he creates a sacred space in which I can be totally truthful and I leave each session feeling freer than when I walked in.”

– Female


“After many, many years spent searching, working, reading, meditating, inventorising and praying for freedom from sexual addiction, I was defeated and confused. Then, I found Stuart Camp.

Working with Stuart helped me to be curious about myself in a safe and secure environment. Through agendaless engagement I’ve become willing to investigate my own place in humanity and challenge many of my own deeply held and often negative core beliefs. By exposing falsehood together, we have experienced truth being revealed. Less and less do I feel as if I’m fighting ‘what is’ and as a result life has become richer and more peaceful.

Through the power of engagement, recovery & healing have arisen . . . . .”

– Male


“Sessions with Stuart were a life changing processes. In my life until now many things help me to develop. I attended the sessions with some aprrehention and fear, it took me some time to build trust. I can’t express in words what was it really I feel like I was equipt with more self confidence believing again in my feelings recognised my needs, connect deeper to myself and build more support in my life. I understand and love myself much more.”

– Female


“I had tried various different types of therapy over many years before meeting Stuart. I had come to the conclusion that nothing was going to work for me. Fortunately though a friend highly recommended Stuart and I have been grateful for this ever since. It is so much more than the ‘traditional symptom relief’ psychotherapy. Everything is completely tailored to you, the individual, and the sessions are 100% collaborative. Finding the right therapist is crucial, and I really cannot recommend Stuart more highly. I am reluctant to use hyperboles like I’m a different person now, or I’ve changed, as essentially I am very much still me – however my life is infinitely easier!”



“My journey through counselling has been both a challenging and fulfilling time in my life.
I first started working with Stuart while at a very low point. His gentle approach moved me on from this hopeless and wounded place.
He never gave up on me when I wanted to give up on myself. He has challenged me firmly when I needed it, and has imparted his wisdom.
He speaks the truth with undoubting conviction. It has truely been a life changing experience.”



“I started working with Stuart 8 years ago having just come into recovery for addictions. Stuart has consistently provided a space that is safe, honest and boundaried in a way I have never experienced. I have always felt in charge of the space as it has always been explained and therefore I have always understood it. Over the years the space and type of work has changed as I have changed, as Stuart is incredibly skilled at intuitively working in the way I needed (without knowing!) at any given time. It is unlike any other therapeutic space I have occupied, due to the wisdom, acceptance and non-judgement that is held by Stuart. Having done all the ‘work’, courses, treatment, experiences, spiritual pursuits, analysis, understanding, unpicking, ‘healing’, trauma work, I found myself still at a loss and in a dark, and what seemed intolerable, place- hopeless and disillusioned. The space created by Stuart was the only place where I could be in this place without it trying to be fixed, feared or escaped. Through the wisdom and space created by Stuart I was able to confront this place in me without fear, coming to understand myself, humanity, my darkness and my mind. This has offered me true freedom in a sense I could never have understood, and it is always on offer. I am, and will always be, eternally grateful to Stuart for his unique perspective and approach, which has guided me towards an understanding of what it is to be me and how to live content and free, often accompanied by much laughter! Thank you, Stuart, the safety and trust I experience with you is unparalleled.”



“I have been working with Stuart for a while and the amount of awareness that I have gained in the process would take a full day to list. In this time I have been given the opportunity to work areas that I was not aware that existed, areas that I would never dreamt I could conquered.
Coming from a dysfunctional background and a history of child abuse, I arrived to Stuart’s practice with very little expectations and a lot of anger towards men. Stuart’s experience, knowledge and intuition provided the space needed for my personal and spiritual healing.
It has been a journey full of surprises as I have ended up having to explore beyond my wildest dreams and I don’t think I could have arrived to this day without Stuart trust and guidance. He has been a critical part in my process of becoming Whole.”



“After a year of intense change, loss and personal growth, Stuart’s room again provided a very safe, respectful retreat in which to review and integrate my experiences. Stuart’s warmth, openness and capacity to truly listen is unmatched. Without this and his gentle direction over the last ten years, I wouldn’t be who I am today. Thank you.”



“I’m borrowing this analogy because I don’t know how else to express the depth of experience you’ve helped me to have through our sessions together. Having smelt a beautiful rose 🌹 how can you put into words that experience? Intense, profound, glorious. No words seem adequate.”



“with Stuart Camp over a period of seven years has been a profoundly rewarding and valuable experience. Stuart is very much able to work in different modes and at different levels. I tend to think of him as having an uncanny gift to wrap his head around anything, from the most basic of emotional quandaries to extremely complex intellectual problems. In the beginning I was in a very fragile state and I needed someone who could handle this with great care and seriousness, and I got that. I worked together with Stuart to create some safety in my life before moving on to anything else. In fact, working with Stuart has probably been my first experience of genuine trust and safety outside my family. The sessions act like a compass in my life, a moment to right myself. As time has gone on, Stuart has worked more as a guide alongside me, with absolutely no pretensions of knowing more or less than me. Therapy has been a place for me to take creative risks with my life. I have been able to share and get to know things about myself that twelve step meetings would never have been able to hold. Stuart is an elder but a trusted friend for these important and sometimes dangerous truths. With Stuart’s help I have started to awaken the elder within myself, and to awaken to myself as complex, ambiguous and beautiful human being. Stuart has the intellectual imagination, humility and humour to help you with this priceless project of becoming your best self. I recommend him without reservations.”
